Cheka Man's Random Submissions - ( 395 )

Cheka Man
The Crown of Pier Point By: Cheka Man

The Pier Point Crown was more then just a piece of royal headgear.This crown wanted to rule in
it's own right,and would stop at nothing to do so...

by Cheka Man
15 replies
Cheka Man
Queen Yocasta By: Cheka Man

Queen Yocasta was until recently, the very capable if autocratic ruler of Valermoore, but recently, she has changed. She is allways seen with a young woman, always wearing a heavy veil and gloves, who never speaks or moves. She claims that she is her daughter,Princess Chrysta, but a faint noxious smell comes from the veiled woman...

by Cheka Man
7 replies
1 HoH
Cheka Man
Fungus Spear By: Cheka Man

It looks very much like a normal short stabbing spear, wih a bulbous metalic haft and a slight greenish sheen on it's razor-sharp blade. But those who have encountered it and lived to tell the tale, or used it themselves, know differently...

by Cheka Man
3 replies
Cheka Man
John Chard By: Cheka Man

It was rumoured that John Chard had made a deal with a demon, but perhaps it was mere idle rumour and speculation.Or maybe not...

by Cheka Man
9 replies
Cheka Man
Rurik the Necromancer By: Cheka Man

Rurik was a powerful Necromancer, but he didn't want to be evil. Just because he knew the Dark Arts, he did not think that he should be harming others all the time. Mostly, he wished only to be left alone...

by Cheka Man
7 replies
Cheka Man
The Bushlands By: Cheka Man

Far to the west of the mountian town of Walkabout Creek lies the Bushlands, a place of rich game, and beyond, the Dragon's Hills where all manner of rich treasures are said to lie unlooted...

by Cheka Man
3 replies
Cheka Man
Rurik's Tomb By: Cheka Man

After the death of Princess Dora Rurik of the powerful city-state of Pier Point, rumors began to leak out about the wonderful treasures buried with her body...

by Cheka Man
16 replies
Cheka Man
A What in Distress??? By: Cheka Man

The PC's are walking along a forest path when they hear the sobbing of a young woman, but when they investigate further...

by Cheka Man
23 replies
Cheka Man
Trotter's Wand of Unfair Trade By: Cheka Man

Day in and day out the library and labs Robert was always about. When questioned of his motions, he explained he was fetching his master's potions, but secretly crafting a wand is what he pained. In the end an ebony wand was made, it would be known later as Trotters Unfair Trade.

by Cheka Man
9 replies
2 HoHs
Cheka Man
Here Be Spiders! By: Cheka Man

A forest full of danger where the danger is not at all where the PCs expect it to be.

by Cheka Man
8 replies
Cheka Man
Vandersil, the City of Bronze By: Cheka Man

Once Vandersil was a rich city. Too rich for it's own good. It was born when gold was struck in the Northern Polar Mountians. The gold ran out within a few years but veins of other minerals both common and rare were discovered. Coal, silver, star stones. The city grew rich through trade and the streets were paved with bronze, at least, in the richer areas of the city. And then it fell into captivity because it neglected it's defences...

by Cheka Man
5 replies
Cheka Man
Dracia Eldren By: Cheka Man

Dracia Eldren was a sharp featured woman. Her long greying hair was pulled back into a severe coif. Narrowed black eyes studied the potential Princess stand-ins. Darcia was well schooled in the ways of ettiquette. She was a seasoned Mistress. Her name was well known about the different Kingdoms and Queendoms.

She was the woman you contacted when you wanted your daughter to become the well cultured and well taught pillar of nobility. She was the woman who schooled young princesses on the fine art of being noble. Dracia was as strict as they come. Years of practice allowed her to use a switch upon her subject without leaving any marks. Only a sharp stinging pain as a reminder of their failures. She lives for her work.

If you wanted to infiltrate a kingdom with a needed the help of a professional. One who knew all the ends and outs of Princess behavior.

Her dark grey coat hardly never touched the ground as she walked. Her back arched and her head held up proudly. Darcia fingered the switch at her side as she studied these potentials. These potentials were of poor condition. Some of them were farmer's daughters. Pathetic. She had her work cut out for her. At all times there would need to be at least three princess replacements in training. They would have to learn together. Eat together and train together. Every movement would have to be perfect. And she only tolerated perfection.

by Cheka Man
6 replies
Cheka Man
Reingold 's Cloak By: Cheka Man

King Coloman had a problem.King Charles (known as the Fat King behind his back) was coming to take over his kingdom.It was not that Coloman had started any trouble, it was just that the Fat King was as greedy for new lands to add to his over growing empire as he was at the dinner table.Whilst the Fat King was not a good general himself,he had several talented subordinates who were, as well as an army three times the size of Coloman's.

King Coloman called his Royal Council together to decide what to do.Simply using assassins would not work.There were six decent generals, and at most an assassin might be able to kill two,and that would mean he or she would die in the attempt. Reingold was put to work to create a magical weapon that could kill all six generals,without being so dangerous that it endangered all those who were making it.

He considered golems (too many guards) and various other ideas, and came up with a cloak that had hidden powers.A supposed traitor was the man who gave the Fat King the cloak. The cloak made the Fat King feel wonderful and healed a small wound and some boils that he had, but within an hour, all six generals dropped dead, their strength sucked into the Fat King. Without his generals, the Fat King lost the Battle of Silverock Pass and was killed in the rout that followed. The slightly damaged cloak was recovered and locked for safety in the King's Treasury, only to be stolen a decade later...

by Cheka Man
3 replies
Cheka Man
The Staff of Random Magic By: Cheka Man

The staff is beautiful to look at, made of pure ebony wood with a large diamond set at the top and rusted iron buttons along it's side. It gives off an aura of very powerful magic.The ebony is scarred by a hit from a sword of some kind.

by Cheka Man
10 replies
Cheka Man
The Sword of Fear By: Cheka Man

This weapon is a fine basket-hilted broadsword, with a long sharp iron blade and an aura of power about it that can be sensed faintly by everybody. Those who pick it up for the first time feel safer with the sword in their hand then without it.A large purple amythest jewel is set in the sword's basket hilt. The user senses that if they press the emerald, others will become scared of them...

by Cheka Man
8 replies